Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Hot Day

the really tall plants in the back yard finally bloomed, and they are pretty. My mom was going to take them all out but we decided to see what they were first. (now the photo looks foggy b/c it was so humid that morning I could not keep my camera lens from fogging up.)

my tomato plant, that has yet to bring forth fruit...

...but here is some fruit. watermelon, strawberries and blue berries

Endry loved the watermelon

Ta-Ta enjoying a citrus drizzled angel food cake w/fresh fruit, yummy!!!

yippee! the new deep freezer came and it is so much smaller than the old one but still holds tons of we can shop the big sales again!

daddy and Endry on one hot day right before we got the AC fixed...again.

secret playing time....Endry loves the plastic tub lids, he puts it on the ground and puts all his toys on it.


  1. You guys look like you're having some fun times!! I'm just glad that I'm here in 50 degree weather looking at you in 90 degree weather!!

  2. I REALLY want to rip up that NASTY shag carpet!

  3. UGH! I miss the east coast! The heat was not as bad there because of the ocean breeze! But home is home! It looks like you have your hands full and how handsome Endry is becoming. That fruit makes my mouth water...mmmmm

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm so glad your new freezer came. Endry looks like he is having a great summer. The fresh berries look delicious. We have plants like the one that is blooming in your back yard. Ours grow very tall. I love there blooms.
