Monday, October 19, 2009

Family Pictures

Endry Alan - Born Oct. 13th at 12:15pm

After 34 hours of labor at the Birth Center, we transfered to the hospital where I could get Pitocin to help him come out and some drugs to ease my pain and help me relax.
It was so wonderful when he came out wide awake with blonde hair, big eye and long eyelashes!
He is such a great sleeper...I think he gets that from his Dad! :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Girl Baby Shower!

Ok, I didnt get any other pictures but these two... but it was a really fun shower!

Marcy, Sunny, 1/2 of Shannon and (Endry) Me

Sunny planned everything. All the girls got together at Olive Garden for a Baby Shower Lunch. Shannon made a very delicious twix ice cream cake! (uhh, I want some right now just thinking about it) And we just laughed...I am so blessed to know such wonderful people.

Krista, 1/2 of Mom, (Endry) Me and Kezia