Sunday, March 29, 2009

Baby has a Heartbeat!!

( you will need to turn up the volume)

In the video:
I said: "That's the baby"
Jeremiah said: "Yes, I'm not balling."

Everyone kept telling us that it would be so amazing that we would cry....and yea, we are just not big criers. But that is OK, it was a cool experience.

I am now 12 weeks and the baby is the size of a small lime. I am just starting to show. I know, I know, I should take a picture of myself. I am trying to talk myself into it cuz I just feel super fat. I will try to do that this week.


  1. Way cool!! By the way...we didn't cry, either. In fact, I said "That sounds like construction!!!" (I guess it reminded me of *hammer*hammer* at the apartments next door)! :-)

  2. I love that sound. It brings back awesome memories. Enjoy the journey.

  3. Don't worry Char, you'll get fatter! (whatever--take the picture.) :)

  4. Ok so the heartbeat was awesome, but what was even better was to see that mountain man shaved his face!!!!
