Friday, November 19, 2010

Black Friday is My Favorite Shopping Day!

I know that most people think if Black Friday as huge crowds of people running around, tearing things off the shelves and pushing other customers around. However, I see it as a very energized shopping experience.

The first time I went to Wal-Mart on Black Friday was about 4 years ago. I was a bit 5am...and was expecting all of the above to happen. Then I realized that the people that go early and have planned ahead were very nice and really funny at times. The people who would show up 10min before everything let loose and had no clue where anything was, nor did they have enough people to help them get all that they wanted were the crazy people! And I could understand why! The were counting on getting everything on their list and if they didnt then "Christmas was ruined"....and with that kind of attitude, it would be!

I have found that the more prepared I am and the less attached I am to the sale items the better I feel about being in the midst of the holiday buzz.

And so, to all you Black Friday goers I wish you happy hunting and zero killing this season.

PS: to find most Black Friday ads you can go to

1 comment:

  1. The reason I shouldn't go I would be one of the anxious ones :):)
