Monday, October 19, 2009

Endry Alan - Born Oct. 13th at 12:15pm

After 34 hours of labor at the Birth Center, we transfered to the hospital where I could get Pitocin to help him come out and some drugs to ease my pain and help me relax.
It was so wonderful when he came out wide awake with blonde hair, big eye and long eyelashes!
He is such a great sleeper...I think he gets that from his Dad! :)


  1. Yay, Yay, YAY!!! Congrats!! I had a similar thing happen with me at my Birth Center...I didn't progress, and eventually transferred to the hospital and got Pitocin and an epidural...I finally relaxed, and out came Ella! :-) Just to let you know, it IS easier the 2nd time, and since you know what to expect, it's likely you'll be able to do it in the future at the Birth Center without any trouble at all!!

    He's beautiful! I love the new photos you posted! Hope you're adjusting well at home :-)
