I am very excited to have finished school and look forward to the new chapter in my life...which will be life long servitude an an employee. I would really love to just work for myself but I am not to that point yet. I know that I will be there someday. And I am grateful that Jeremiah is supportive of that....he is secretly wants to be the stay at home mom. You might find that funny but he is also a closet LOVER of bubble baths! Hey, that just goes to show you that happiness can be found in the strangest of places.
I have been on the hunt, the past month, for a job that will make me happy! I am so ready to do real commercial photography work with a great company...the only problem is that there are very few of those in Kansas. I guess I already knew that, and so I have been filling out applications like crazy online. I have found quite a few keepers. The hard part is where I am now, the looooong wait. But really, how long can a person waits before they just give up? Believe me, I am trying to answer that question.
This is Abby. She is Jeremiah's niece. She brought her parents all the way from Nevada to come and spend a week with us here in Kansas. We had so much fun!! We rarely showered, got dressed or really did anything. But there were many games played, lots of meat consumed and cheap prized given out. You never know what to expect when you come to and Aldrich function. We have not seen Abby and her parents for about a year and a half...a long time in kid years. I was amazed at how grown up she was. Talking and walking and just being a little girl I suppose. The fun part was when Rachel (her mom) started to potty train her. Now if you are looking for a good time then you should definatly look into renting a 2 year old for a week and tradeing out their diper for princess underware! She happened to like the underware....but it served a better purpose on her head.
We are excited for next year and our new Lorf Week adventures. Maybe we will go to Mississippi or something. Wouldn't that be exciting?!
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