Friday, February 27, 2009

Brittany's Baptism

What a great Valentine's Day!!

Jeremiah's friend from Wal-Mart (Brittany) met up with his friend from church (Nick) and started to continue the religious conversations in his sted (jer was in alaska over the summer). But lucky for him, Nick and Brittany would come over every Tuesday to play games and talk about the gospel. Even though Renee was mostly the one to receive and entertain them, we were glad to share that part of her spiritual growth. She is such a natural mormon

Brittany and Renee
Brittany and Nick
Jeremiah and Brittany
(he got to baptise and confirm her)

Jeremiah, me, Brittany and Nick

Happy 26th Birthday Jeremiah!

Jeremiah's favorite food....MEAT! He didnt want cake or brownies or even ice cream for his birthday. Just a steak and a nap. After a long day of working, watching 14 crazy 1.5-3 year olds at church he was rewarded with a steak and potatoe meal prepared by his mother. Arn't moms great!

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Happy 28th Birthday!

I started off the day as usual....wake up, turn off alarm....go back to bed for 15 minutes more. Then wake up again and head to the bathroom for the "getting ready" rituals. Although, this mornings rituals were quite different from all the others.
I have a sinus infection that was really getting me down! And I knew that my "aunt flo" (for any boys reading who get grossed out at the word 'menstrual') had not come to visit like she should....I felt it necessary to take a test... ...and it was POSITIVE!
And so, I kinda freaked out a bit. Wondering if I got the on in a million chance that the test is a false positive, but then I quickly remembered how stupid that thought was and I got in the shower.
At about 7:30am Jeremiah wondered in from work and I hugged him and led him into the bathroom to see what I had done. I pushed his face over to the test stick, he said "What does that mean? I don't know how to read this thing, there is a plus and a line...". As I explained how the test worked he said, "So, your pregnant?" and I replied, "Yes".
After a big grin on his face, a long hug and a few tears from me, Jeremiah set off to do what every husband should do for his wife...

Jeremiah making me getting ready to eat my breakfast!

After I called the doctor and got a blood test to confirm the pregnancy they gave October 10th as my tentative due date. (even though I think it will be later than that)
We are excited and happy for the upcoming months. I think we will get more excited the more it seems like there is a baby in me. But for now we will just pray that all goes well at the check points along the way.
What a great Birthday (for me), Valentine's Day, and Birthday (for Jer) present!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Oh, the thought of Love...

With Valentine's Day coming up Jeremiah always comes at me with this question..."What do you want for your birthday?". You know I can't even remember a time that we (or I) ever really celebrated V-day. I guess that is what you get when you both have a birthday that sandwich the holiday.
I am excited about this year though. We are going to have an awesome date on Monday night (Feb. 16th). He is taking me out for dinner and a movie...and not just your every day dollar movie, the real thing! All nine dollars and 25 cents of it! Those of you without millions of dollars will understand. But to answer his question I gave him the same answer I have given him before...."I just want you".